Home Maintenance

  • Rugs

    Frequent vacuuming in high-traffic areas will lift flattened rug pile.

    For looped pile rugs, we suggest a smooth nozzle, cylinder vacuum with no beater bar.

    Use caster cups under furniture legs to protect your rug.

    Place non-slip rug pads or an underlay under all rugs.

    Regularly rotate rugs to spread wear.

    Keep your rug out of direct sunlight to avoid color fading.

    Pat instead of rub when cleaning, as rubbing can cause permanent damage.

  • Wood Furniture

    Avoid letting water sit on wood pieces! These special pieces usually have a layer of clear coating for protection, but always wipe up a water spot. Immediately is best but at least within 24 hours. We suggest using coasters and placemats as much as possible as an extra precautionary step.

    To renew shine, occasionally buff wood tables with a lint-free cloth.

    We suggest a one-to-one solution of vinegar and distilled water to wipe up spills. Don’t forget to buff dry after wiping with your solution!

    For stubborn stains, wood cleaner is recommended.

    Work with the grain when treating, cleaning, or sanding wood.

    Consider a wood cleaner when working with tougher stains.

    Protect wooden surfaces from stains or burns by not placing hot items directly on wooden surfaces.

    Don’t forget to treat all sides of tabletops!

  • General Steel & Aluminum

    Keep in mind that although 100% stainless steel products usually have a special coating or plating, they are still subject to natural wear and tear, such as small scratches due to everyday use.

    Wipe with a soft, dry cloth to clean surfaces.

    Avoid using water and harsh chemicals or abrasives.

    Protect your products by storing them in a dry place during colder seasons or wet weather.

  • Brass

    Embrace the patina! If you choose to clean discoloration on your brass pieces, be sure to clean with a brass polish.

    Regular brass cleaning can be done with a dry cloth and wipe with care.

  • Marble & Stone

    Immediately wipe up liquids on marble and stone to avoid damaging the surface

    Avoid contact with harsh and abrasive chemicals and corrosives, this includes your acidic fruits!

    We recommend using a PH neutral stone cleaner for all stone, marble, and granite.

  • Wallpaper

    Depending on your wallpaper type you can wipe gently with a clean cloth or wipe gently with a damp cloth. Never use cleaning agents on wallpaper.

    Keep the space cool and avoid humidity during and after wallpapers are installed to avoid peeling.

    Be mindful of liquid contact with wallpapers when cleaning floors.

  • Glass

    Use a soft, clean damp cloth to clean mirror glass.

    Refrain from constantly moving your mirror to reduce the risk of damage.

    Avoid acidic or alkaline chemicals or abrasive cleaners

    For a deep clean, we suggest a commercial glass cleaners free of ammonia or vinegar.

  • Fabric Upholstery

    Regularly vacuum on medium power. Don’t forget the crevices!

    Carefully dab wet stains with a lint-free cloth or damp sponge. We suggest using a warm, detergent-free water or a preferred upholstery cleaner.

    If the stain persists, we recommend using a chemical dry-cleaning product or getting the fabric dry cleaned professionally.

  • Leather

    For mild stains, we suggest using warm soapy water and a damp cloth to wipe away the stain.

    Always dry the leather with a second clean, dry cloth.

Mix These 2 Ingredients to Clean Almost Anything

Mix 1 part white wine vinegar with 4 parts rubbing alcohol

We recommend pouring or spraying the solution onto a lint-free cloth or rag rather than directly on what you’re cleaning.

Don’t forget to blot, not rub!

Sustainable Tip: pour solution in any reusable bottle to use again and again!

We are not responsible for the end result of these care and maintenance tips. Please consult a professional if you have any specific questions on your piece.